Peer-reviewed papers

BRADSHAW E. et al. 2015 
Sea level data archaeology and the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). GeoResJ 6 (2015) 9-16

MERRIFIELD, M. et al. 2009 [pdf]
The Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). Community White Paper for the OceanObs’09 conference, Venice, September 2009.

WOODWORTH, P.L. and AARUP, T. 2003 [pdf]
A report on the status of the GLOSS programme and a proposal for taking the programme forward. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission report IOC/INF-1190. 41pp.

WOODWORTH, P.L. et al. 2003 [pdf]
Measuring progress of the Global Sea Level Observing System. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 84(50), 16 December 2003, 565, 10.1029/2003EO500009.

AARUP, T. and WOODWORTH, P. 2002 [pdf]
The Global Sea Level Observing System. New International Hydrographic Bulletin, December 2002, 17-19 (in English), 43-46 (in French), 69-72 (in Spanish).

AARUP, T. and WOODWORTH, P. 2002 [pdf]
The Global Sea Level Observing System. IALA Bulletin (Magazine of the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities) No. 2002/3, 6-9.

HEILMAN, J. et al. 2001 [pdf]
The Global Sea Level Observing System. Ports and Harbors (Newsletter of the Association of Ports and Harbors), 46(10), December 2001, 9-11.

Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS). Marine Geodesy, 19(1), 21-62.

The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level and the Global Sea Level Observing System. Journal of Coastal Research, 7(3), 699-710.

PUGH, D.T. 1988
The Global Sea-Level Observing System. pp.8-11 in, Tidal measurement and instrumentation. Papers presented at the Hydrographic Society Seminar, April 1987, London, (ed.J.A.Kitching). Dagenham, Essex: Hydrographic Society. 35pp. (Hydrographic Society Special Publication No.19.)

PUGH, D.T. 1987
The global sea-level observing system. Hydrographic Journal, No.45, 5-8.


IOC reports

IOC. 2002 [pdf]
Aarup, T., Adekoya, A., Aman, A., Brundrit, G., Magori, C. and Woodworth, P.L. 2001. Position Paper on the Status of GLOSS in Africa. Contributed to the GOOS-AFRICA Meeting, 19-23 November 2001, Nairobi, Kenya. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, report IOC/INF-1165.

IOC. 2001 [pdf]
Report by the chairman of the GLOSS Group of Experts to the First Session of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM).


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