IOC Manuals and Guides No. 14: Volumes I–V

Volumes I – V comprise the IOC Manual on Sea Level Measurement and Interpretation. Volume I (Basic Principles) was published in 1985 and is based on training courses held at the National Oceanography Centre (formerly Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory) on behalf of the PSMSL and IOC. It contains information on the scientific aspects of sea level change and on practical aspects of sea level measurement and data reduction. Volume II (Emerging Technologies) was published in 1994 and is complementary to the earlier volume, extending and updating the material on measurements.

In the late 1990s, it was realised that the contents of Volumes I-II were beginning to show their age and so Volume III was constructed and finally published in 2000. A much larger Volume IV followed in 2006. However, note that Volumes I-III are still useful, and still provide the basic information for people intending to install and operate tide gauges.

Volumes download (pdf)

  1. Basic Procedures: ENG, FRAESPRUSPOR
  2. Emerging Technologies: ENG
  3. Reappraisals and Recommendations as of the year 2000: ENG
  4. An update to 2006: ENGARA
  5. Radar Gauges: ENGFRAESP


IOC Manuals and Guides No. 83: Volume I

Volume I: Quality Control of in situ Sea Level Observations: A Review and Progress towards Automated Quality Control, Vol. 1. Published May 2020. This manual describes basic quality control tests and data processing algorithms together with delayed mode or 'scientific' quality control procedures and quality control of monthly and annual data. It also includes information relating to metadata and tide gauge data formats. Finally, there is a section on software packages for automatic sea level data quality control and processing; this provides some metrics and recommendations and gives some examples of problems and limitations.

Volume download (pdf): ENG